Dawni kochankowie 1979


When her marriage falls apart, a psychiatrist seeks out those of her former boyfriends who left the biggest impact on her life, mostly in a bad way.

Tous les titres
  • US: Old Boyfriends Old Boyfriends
  • DK: Old Boyfriends Old Boyfriends
  • FI: Entiset poikaystävät Entiset poikaystävät
  • IT: Old Boyfriends - Il compagno di scuola Old Boyfriends - Il compagno di scuola
  • NO: Gamlekjærester Gamlekjærester
  • ES: Old Boyfriends - Reencuentros Old Boyfriends - Reencuentros
  • US: Diane Diane
  • US: Meine alten Freunde Meine alten Freunde
Date de sortie 13 Apr 1979
Lien IMDb
