Zivot je masovna pojava 1970


Two friends dream of what they will do when they become adults. One friend dreams of travelling to far off places, but stays at home. The other one leaves and sends him postcards from exotic locations, with descriptions of impossi...

Tous les titres
  • YU: Zivot je masovna pojava Zivot je masovna pojava
  • HR: Zivot je masovna pojava Zivot je masovna pojava
  • RS: Zivot je masovna pojava Zivot je masovna pojava
  • UA: Life Is a Mass Phenomenon Life Is a Mass Phenomenon
  • US: Life Is a Mass Phenomenon Life Is a Mass Phenomenon
  • YU: Life Is a Mass Phenomenon Life Is a Mass Phenomenon
Date de sortie 10 Jul 1970
Lien IMDb
